
 I got this idea from these wire sculptures i had found online that i thought were quite beautiful. I liked how simple they were and I decided to combine them and give them a color scheme of reds and pinks on the body  forms and deep blues and purples in the background. I have not yet finished this piece but I am nearing the end of it. I am going to add depth and shading of the pinks to the people and extend the background colors around the whole border of the piece and bring it up between the people as well. So far, I really like how this piece is turning out and I love the colors I've been using and sticking to. I do wish I would've worked more on the hands or put them in a different position but since it is  just watercolor, I'll have some wiggle room to fix it.
 My contrast in colors I think is going to turn out very nice with the different hues and values I am planning on using. I also feel like already there is a strong sense of movement in my piece and a nice balance/ harmony across the piece as a whole.
I sketched out my people first and then began using lights values of watercolors to paint the piece, building upon the colors I've already laid down. I also have been using lots of water in order to get it to dry where it pleases as well as to let it drip and blend the background with the foreground, causing a gradient between colors.
